According to reports, the Aga Khan University (AKU) released an internal letter advising teachers, staff, and students to exercise caution as several COVID-19 instances have been found among them.

Several faculty members and students have tested positive for the virus recently, though their symptoms were mild and resembled those of seasonal colds, according to accounts that cited the letter. No one has needed to be hospitalized.

The institution stressed that the virus's existence in its neighborhood shows that it is still contagious and widespread.

While fit people may only have minor signs, the infection can become more severe in old people with underlying medical problems or those who have not received the vaccine.

The university has instructed its staff, including healthcare professionals, professors, and students, to take precautions to safeguard themselves, their families, and their patients in order to slow the spread of the virus.

These precautions include continuing masking in all outpatient centers, requiring healthcare employees to wear masks in inpatient settings, and mandating masking wherever cold symptoms are present.

For COVID-19 testing, the university has also advised prompt notification to its Employee/Student Health section.

Additionally, the memo urged employees and pupils who had not received the new bivalent vaccine in more than six months to do so.

As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread throughout the globe, the university's call to action serves as a reminder of the need to stay watchful in the face of this pressing health catastrophe.

AKUH’s response:

The report that a significant portion of the hospital's employees and students have contracted COVID-19 is untrue, according to a statement from the Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH).

"We have strict infection control procedures at our hospital, and when a small number of less than 10 of our employees were diagnosed with COVID-19 over a period of time, we immediately took action," the statement added. the last few days, our Hospital Leadership issued a memo to alert staff and students to be cautious and make sure the necessary COVID-19 precautions are being taken.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, AKUH has said that this has been a regular procedure in accordance with international standards. It also serves as a warning that COVID-19 is still present and will continue to sporadically reappear.