To guarantee sustainable economic development, Pakistan must manage its population growth rate, according to former finance minister Miftah Ismail Sunday.

The former minister emphasized that Pakistan has a much higher birth rate than India, Bangladesh, and many other Islamic nations while speaking at the "Reimagining Pakistan" conference.

According to Ismail, Pakistan has one of the highest rates of population increase in the globe with 5.5 million births each year. He claimed that Pakistan's gross domestic product (GDP) per individual would be 10% greater right now if its fertility rate had been comparable to Bangladesh's over the previous ten years.

According to the former minister, Pakistan is among the least developed nations by the Human Development Index (HDI), even behind sub-Saharan African nations, as a result of the high population growth rate. He asserted that Pakistan must manage its population because the country lacks the means to support such a quickly expanding population.

Focus On Education:

Ismail emphasized the importance of putting an emphasis on education, noting that 50% of Pakistan's children are not in school. He also emphasized that while the percentage is 85% in India, only 44% of Pakistani pupils participate in matriculation.

Additionally, he noted that the Indian Institutes of Technology, which is known for having one of the finest undergraduate programs in the world, has 26 locations throughout India. Graduates from these institutions go on to become CEOs of some of the top businesses in the world.

The former minister bemoaned the fact that the typical Pakistani child only has a three-month diploma, while India is building some of the finest institutions in the world.

He asserted that Pakistan cannot advance if the education sector is not given top importance. He also emphasized the importance of female equality in achieving economic advancement. He attributed Bangladesh's greater exports to its emphasis on females' education and population growth policies. He asserted that Pakistan cannot advance if it disregards women. (50 percent of the population).