If the temporary government of Punjab declines to reduce the expense of security preparations, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has developed a backup plan to move the matches from Lahore and Rawalpindi to Karachi.

A disagreement over excessive security expenses between PCB and the interim administration of Punjab has interfered with the current Pakistan Super League (PSL) 8 matches. A staggering Rs. 450 million had been requested by the Punjab administration for security measures for the matches in Lahore and Rawalpindi.

As a result, the Punjab government's plan has been challenged, and the PCB has responded by devising a Plan B to move the contests to Karachi. The alternative strategy calls for Lahore to host the Sunday and Monday games before Karachi is used for the remaining Lahore games. It's also possible that some of the Rawalpindi encounters will be moved to Karachi.

The PCB and PSL teams have made the decision not to comply with the expensive requests of the Punjab administration. If the interim government failed to compromise on its demands, the PCB team led by Usman Wahla will depart for Karachi tomorrow to make preparations for moving the sites from Punjab.

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